
Easy writer pens
Easy writer pens

easy writer pens

This could have been fixed by shaving the point to make it sharp again. This would lead me to spill more ink on the papyrus and mess up. It would become dull and flat and therefore ineffective in Me as I dealt with the Reed Pen-Courtesy of One problem that made me question myself as a student in this course, was the inefficiency of the nib after using it for so long.

easy writer pens

Using the pen helped make the experience of writing on papyrus all the more legit. I felt transported to antiquity, as I faced some of the challenges that scribes probably did as well. Personally, the reed pen was an immersive experience, delightful maybe, but definitely immersive when I say immersive, I mean I was experiencing the struggles and encountering the problems scribe did during this time. I feel that Roman Capitals were developed due to the nature of the reed pen, as it tends to make bigger strokes by using more ink. Due to its capacity to hold ink, the reed pen can perfect the boldest of strikes and majuscule scripts such as Roman Capitals. The reed shaft itself, is extremely durable and due to capillary action (thanks science), the reed can hold an enormous amount of ink. The only hardship in making the reed pens would be securing reed or bamboo.

easy writer pens

This process would be easy for people to follow and artisans to perfect. I just listed out all the steps above to make a reed pen (of decent quality). The reed pen was probably the beginning of it all because of its easy manufacturability, its durability, and the efficiency in making bold strikes. Last but not least, the nib is bent slightly upwards.

easy writer pens

After the tip is shaped, the knife blade is then used to make a slit, which is very important to the design of the writing instrument, as it stores ink. Print.) This creates the tip shape that you see in the pic above. Writing & Illuminating, & Lettering., 1977. Continuing with the process, the nib is laid, back up, on the slab, and the knife-blade being vertical-the tip is cut 05' at right angles to the shaft (Johnston, Edward, and Noel Rooke. An example of what a nib looks like can be viewed in both of the pictures above. The nib acts essentially like a pen tip on a modern ballpoint pen. This creates a nib, which is the point of the pen that the scribe uses to write. The soft inside part is shaved away by means of a knife laid flat against it, leaving the hard outer shell. The Pen is usually 8 inches long and is cut into a shaft like shape. Usually, this pen was constructed out of Reed or Bamboo, from the stalk of the plant. Example of Nib- Courtesy of Johnston, E., & Rooke, N. Archeologist have found these writing utensils in sites from Egypt and Greece, where most literature was produced during this time period. The Reed Pen, as you see on the left, is what was used during Classical Antiquity (800 B.C- 400 A.D roughly) for literature. Basically, without the writing instrument or ink, literature wouldn't have existed. Ink plays a role similar to the writing instrument, in terms of dependency. With the instrument also came the substance which was used to write. I will be talking about two particular writing instruments used in antiquity, and late antiquity to the 19th century  The reed pen & the feather quill. I say this very loosely due to the fact that our paper and pen wasn’t, in fact, the paper and pen of antiquity to the dark ages. The very existence of literature depends on this "friendship' between paper and pen. Well, this type of dependent relationship, noted above, exists between the writing surface and the writing instrument. Is there one thing you cannot survive without? A teddy bear, phone, or even your BFF.

Easy writer pens